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Developing Professionalism

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

"To score high, build high".

The wisdom of #knowledge, the sincerity of thoughts and the #creativity of mind come to the fore with beauty and finesse if its value is presented by a personality. #Professionalism is an art which is best acquired with practice and experience over time. But it is sensible and smart for one to work on the basic structure to help them build a #professional outlook from the beginning itself.

It is a powerful quality. It allows you to fulfil your role to the best of your ability. It helps you to impress and inspire others. And it gives you a deep sense of satisfaction and self-worth. Professionalism is "What You Do".

The stars that will make you shine on your #professional fronts are:

1. Appearance: Presentation in the #workplace is important not only during the job-seeking and interview process but it’s something that should be carried over into everyday life as a career professional. The way you dress is a reflection of how you view your work and how others see you and your #company. Always erring on the side of the conservative business dress will ensure that you always #project the #appropriate image.

2. Knowledge: The body is nothing without the #knowledge of your work. It is important to be aware of the intricacies of your work and delve into it to achieve nothing less than perfection. It's important to do smart work using your knowledge and #skills and achieve the desired targets. It's also important to put your knowledge into action. Being professional means feeling confident to show what you know – not for self-promotion, but to help yourself and others to succeed. It's also important to keep the process of learning always open to yourself because there is no end to learning.

3. Competence: The quality to improve and rise comes better with a little healthy competition that makes you grow further in your abilities. Although always keep a healthy #competition, rivalry might lead to unprofessionalism.

A true professional gets the job done in time:

• They know their trade and invest in continued #learning.

• They have the #tools for the trade.

4. Behavioral Etiquettes: Gestures and the control of #emotions are a must to practice in a professional framework. Your way of #speaking, #listening and understanding speaks a lot about your personality. Neither too loud nor too soft! It also covers the way you speak and write, the topics you choose to discuss, and how you behave with others.

5. Initiative and Leadership: Never silence your brewing mind, always speak up for the rights and wrongs. Carrying your dignity and #leadership shall never be sacrificed. Take initiative and start involving in the process. The quality of taking initiative always attracts everybody. #Leaders and #initiative takers help their teams to grow and outperform. It helps the organization they work in to innovate, #progress and overcome competition. It sets you apart from the rest, and #opportunities find their way to you!

6. Conscientiousness: Professionalism involves being #reliable, setting your own high standards, and showing that you care about every aspect of your job. It's about being industrious and organized, and holding yourself #accountable for your #thoughts, words and actions. But don't confuse conscientiousness with working longer hours than everyone else, or obsessing about details. True professionals plan and prioritise their work to keep it under control, and they don't let #perfectionism hold them back.

All these little knick-knacks and the detailed points add #value to your professional front. It helps you to rise and shine. So, dive into this art of professionalism and adapt yourself to its #charm from the start!

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